

Katie Spencer is a consultant, facilitator, and coach. She specializes in helping nonprofits strengthen organizational health, gain clarity, forge a path forward, stay focused on their priorities and enjoy growing as leaders and teams.

I’ve been on a number of adventures in my career and each has given me depth of experience and a unique perspective I use to serve my clients. After two decades in local and national-scale organizations, I stepped out as a consultant to help nonprofits and small-to-midsize companies overcome the obstacles I saw repeatedly holding nonprofits back.

Today I serve as a guide for leaders, helping them clarify their vision and define where they are going. I pinpoint where organizations get stuck, identify their obstacles, and help leaders create cultures that achieve results.

Katie Spencer




Clarity fosters confidence. That is why at Zipline we follow a simple set of guides
for all our processes:

  • Discover

  • Clarify

  • Align

  • Chart

  • Measure

Our partnership will help you tackle the challenges your organization is facing in an inclusive way. By using these concepts to understand where you are, shape culture, align teams, chart a clear course forward, and set milestones that measure progress, our process will equip your team with the map and accountability tools to enjoy the journey and see your progress along the way.